Publishing Your Photography | TGIF
It’s Friday. Get fired up.
Last week, a child’s 5th birthday party that I photographed was published on the popular blog hello, Wonderful! The party was, indeed, fantastic, as are all Haute Hostess events. Founder Emily White has an eye for fun and detail that makes me drool, and I know just how luck I am to be able to photograph her work. Publishing wasn’t our goal on the day of the party (in fact, I think our only goal was getting through the day since it was over 100 degrees and super humid), so it’s doubly exciting to have been involved with a killer event AND see it featured.
I’m also redesigning my Carla Boecklin Creative Agency site, and crafting the new site has involved compiling samples of my work. In addition to assembling photography collections, websites I’ve designed, and photojournalism assignments, I also got to thinking about publications that have featured my work. I’m up to about 30 published images or image collections in the two years I’ve been in business; and that provides me with a huge sense of accomplishment.
See, you don’t always make money when you publish. And if you don’t publicize it with your social media or network with the publication, the fact that you got published could just… pass you by or go entirely unnoticed. To me, though, getting published is a big deal. It’s a chance to put my work in front of new audiences and create opportunities for collaborations. Plus it’s an endorsement. It verifies that my talent & product are engaging enough for someone else to connect it with their brand. Mostly, I am grateful for the people that provide me the content to photograph: the artists, stylists, event planners, models, families, and community members that I get to work with . Honestly, I think that’s the part that’s most meaningful: making connections and building relationships.
I have several more features coming out over the next two months, so please check in with my Facebook page on occasion to catch up on the latest!