London Photographer | Chiswick Family
Nestled in an area west of London is a little community called Chiswick. Walking through the village is like taking a stroll through your imagination’s perfect British town. Fish & chip shops alongside English pubs alongside modern eateries line the inviting streets while doubledecker red buses glide past wide sidewalks and smaller side streets. Young families push prams and shop at their local butcher, farm stand, or bakery. Posh boutiques offer the latest retail trends to fashionable patrons.
I learned about this positively charming district last year, when two dear friends moved there, and I got to see it with my own eyes a few weeks ago during a trip V & I took across the pond. Chiswick itself was certainly attractive, but seeing my old friends was without doubt the highlight of our English visit. I’ve known — and adored — these people since college, where Mel was one of my very first friends on campus (she lived down the hall in my freshman dorm). To fast forward all these years and see my friends living abroad (living the dream, really) with their gorgeous children is so special to me. And, of course, to see them so HAPPY adds another level of joy to the scenario. I see life’s delight in their new stories, and in their enthusiasm for future adventures, and, especially, in their kids’ faces. For me & V to spend time with them on their new international turf and be able to photograph this chapter of their lives was pretty amazing.
We walked from their home to the Chiswick House and Gardens for a quick shoot, feeding the pigeons, roaming the walkways, and, basically, falling in love with this urban haven. As always, though, my favorite part was talking face-to-face with people I care about but rarely get to see. Hours of laughing and chatting together pass in a flash, and before you know it, it’s time to leave, and your heart tugs at you cuz you know you won’t see them again for a while. But, you have the photos to remind you of the day, and those tangible memories should be able to tide you over until the next time, so that’s what I’m focusing on as I sit here missing my peeps :).