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Amy Grant at Sundance

So, I’ve had “Every Heartbeat Belongs To You” on my workout playlist for years, and I literally listen to it when I power walk.  I loved the jam when it first came out, and I re-discovered it during an episode of House, when Hugh Laurie learned that his illegal immigrant wife liked to clean the house blasting the tune.  So, yeah, I’m an Amy Grant fan.

Imagine my surprise when the Sundance Resort contacted me about photographing an Amy Grant performance at their satellite version of Nashville’s Bluebird Cafe. I was PSYCHED.  Like, seriously excited.  To boot, I’m a ginormous fan of the original Bluebird Cafe and, when I’m in Nashville, visiting the club is a total staple.

For the Amy Grant show, V & I had access the entire amphitheater, running around during the performance (as non-distractively as possible) to get crowd shots, capture the atmosphere, work the sunset into the images, and, even, shoot from the stage itself, behind Ms. Grant and her guests (yes I was on stage with them — woo hoooooooo!!).

As I always, I love working with the Sundance team (we recently did some food photography for their Zoom restaurant),  and being able to hear Amy Grant perform was the cherry on the top of this assignment.  Awesome.