Copyright © 2025 Carla Boecklin Creative | Park City Family Wedding Portrait Commercial Photographer

Associate Carrie | Utah Photographer

I first met Carrie three years ago, when we were covering the same event (we were both, separately, hired by the host).  Lemme tellya, that’s not usually the best way to meet another professional photographer.  Most photogs would react competitively, snarkily, standoffishly, or, at the very least, put out to learn that another pro was on the scene, potentially hijacking their shots.  Even worse?  I noticed Carrie & I had the exact same gear and, based on her shooting style, I anticipated our shots would look pretty similar.  Hmmm.  Do I say hi?  I was intimidated, so I held back… but not Carrie.  She strolled over with a big ol’ smile, chatted me up, and we were best buds in two seconds flat.  In fact, I watched her whenever I wasn’t shooting, and I learned a few things.  When I got home that night, a quick google search revealed that she’s been one of the most in-demand wedding photographers in SLC for nearly a decade, and I found myself even more smitten.

Over the past few years, she’s been a wonderful comrade and confidant.  A good friend.  And, to boot, a super solid photographer to have on my team.  In addition to being a wife and mother, Carrie’s back in school for a degree in political science, so last year she became open to working as an associate photographer (versus managing her own full-time business).  She’s got an eye that won’t quit, talent that still inspires me, and years of experience that guide her style.

So happy to be working with you, pretty lady!  Check out some samples of Carrie’s work below.