Available for Travel | Destination Wedding
It’s Friday. Get fired up.
V & I hit the road again in a matter of hours, so we’re in full prep mode. The checklist is daunting — in addition to general you’re-gonna-be-gone-for-two-weeks travel preparation, photography travel prep includes cleaning the lenses and camera body sensors, syncing our cameras, not forgetting gear like filters, batteries, battery chargers, battery packs, usb chords, drives, stands, strobes, card readers… ugh, I’m kinda getting a headache listing this stuff.
Not that I’m bummed to be traveling. Far from it. Just overwhelmed. Traveling with oodles of very expensive camera gear is highly stressful in this day & age of extra baggage fees, crazy carry-on people trying to finagle full-size baggage onto the plane, and knowing that, no matter what, our lenses & bodies can.not be checked, so we’ve got to find some way to make them all fit into small-compartment-ready bags.
I’m a little tired, too. It’s been a fairly massive past three weeks with two weddings, three sizable client shoots, a family session, an event, and a product shoot on top of launching my exhibit at the Kimball Art Center. But, beneath the bags under my eyes is genuine excitement. Enthusiastic anticipation. We have ridiculously cool work ahead of us as we make our way to Las Vegas, Boston, Connecticut, and Nashville, so I’m stoked. Stoked to be meeting new people as well as seeing old friends — even seeing good Park City friends that have hired us for a shoot back east! All really fantastic. But getting ready to go? Maybe not my favorite thing in the world.