Michelle + Josh | Boston Engagement Photographer
So these two are very happy. Like, insatiably, contagiously, big-time happy. And it’s REALLY obvious. And I REALLY love it.
I’ve known Michelle for ages, and the longest string of adjectives still couldn’t summarize what’s special about her. So, I’ll try to pick my favorite qualities. She’s a jiu jitsu blackbelt. (Okay, so that’s not technically one of my favorite qualities but I’m hugely proud of her.) She’s wickedly smart in the most intellectual, clever, curious ways. Quick-witted. Funny as hell. Sincere (that’s a big one for me). And maybe the most touching quality of all is that she’s a a great, great friend to anyone lucky enough be in her circle. She’s an honest-to-god good human being, which is pretty much my highest praise.
I wondered what type of person would one day walk into her life & reduce her to mush & love her the way she deserves. Enter: Josh. And enter: the way I met Josh.
V & I had pulled up to their condo in Arlington and rang the doorbell. Michelle answered the door and we hugged a hello, and I was all jittery & excited to meet THE Josh. And then… all the lights in the apartment turned off behind Michelle, and she chuckled. “He does this sometimes,” she smiled. “One time I came home to a seemingly empty house — and a text message from Josh that said, ‘Find Me.'”
And then I beamed. Best (absent) first impression ever as far as I was concerned because I knew he was perfect for Michelle.
Their light-hearted, silly, poke-fun-at-one-another dynamic is hard not to appreciate. Positively adorable. They actually go on picnics and to the circus. Then again, they also do stuff together like go to Symphony Hall for an Ira Glass talk and cook gorgeous, imaginative meals and chat politics & religion & all that *adult* stuff. Ultimately I guess what I love most is how happy he makes her. She’s all lit up inside, and I could watch that level of bliss all.day.long.
Love you, Ziti — and fish research (fish and fish and fish. and freshwater manatees).