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Dog Portraits | Kimball Art Center


I recently had an exhibit at the Kimball Art Center‘s Garage Gallery, and the Main Gallery’s current exhibit is a series of black and white dog photographs called Dog Dogs (Elliot Erwitt), so when the Kimball asked me about doing dog portraits to promote the two shows, I was all over it.  After all, they don’t call this town *Bark City* for nothing — people here love their dogs.

If you build it (aka set up an outdoor studio beneath the Publik Coffee deck right on Main Street), they will come.  And come they did!  Sampson, Grizzie, Zelda, Rocky, Adam, Lucky, Bradee, Sam, Winston… to name a few.  They sniffed, rolled over, ran around, leapt for joy, munched on treats, sat obediently (on occasion), and, best of all, SMILED!  Adults & kids alike hopped into shots and helped wrangle the furry ones and, all in all, everyone ended up having a complete blast.

Park City Television (PCTV) even dropped in to catch some footage of the event!

Here are a few samples from as well as some behind-the-scenes pics that capture the fun and zaniness of a day of pup portraits.  Thank you to the Kimball Art Center, my intern Abby Jager, and my partner Victor for all the help & support!