Fine Art Film Photographer | Park City Utah
I’m shooting film now. I mean, not exclusively, but I’ve added it to my repertoire. I talk about it a little here, and I’ve updated my wedding page to reflect that I’m now (or so I’ve self-ascribed) a fine art film photographer. I’ve shot several film sessions to date (wedding and commercial) and am very excited to be updating my galleries shortly to showcase some of this new work.
How did I learn film, you ask? I mean, aside from googling like crazy and absorbing all the info I could online? Well, I had to just go for it. Like, trial by fire. And I was fortunate to know generous people (aka friends) that let me use their precious time to play around while I figured out things like exposure, composition, metering… oh, and super basic stuff like How To Turn The Camera On and How To Load Film (V actually does this last part since it still intimidates the hell out of me).
Anyway, friends are the best, aren’t they?! One of my favorite people in all of Utah is Bryce Johnson, and I’m not sure I’ve shut up about him (and his wonderful family) since I first met him. Just google Bryce Johnson Carla Boecklin and you’ll find no fewer than 7+ blog posts I’ve written about him. Bryce’s daughter & her friend Carly were my models for this shoot (donning Haute Attitude wardrobes), which was my very first shoot with my very own Contax 645 (Fuji 400h 120 film rated at 200). The shoot is hybrid (half film, half digital) because, while I was shooting with our new medium format film camera, V wanted to play with another new addition to our gearbag, the Lomography Petzval lens. Any swirly bokeh, film-y image in this collection? Yeah, that’s Victor’s work. It’s so fun having a pro photographer husband so we can geek out together about all this stuff.
Last but certainly not least… how stunning are these ladies!?!? I couldn’t ask for better subjects for my Contax test run. 🙂