Copyright © 2025 Carla Boecklin Creative | Park City Family Wedding Portrait Commercial Photographer

A Day In the Life | Nashville Photographer

Not gonna lie: I’m a bit of a mess today.

We’re on our fifth shoot in as many locations and in as many days, and it’s wearing on me.  Literally.  It’s wearing on my body.  I’m broken out, frizzed out, bug bitten, sore, swollen, wrinkled (well, our clothes, anyway)… and as of yesterday, I wasn’t sure I could look worse.

Then I developed a giant red zit on the end of my nose.  On the end of my nose, people.  I quickly figured out that pressing my unsanitized camera body to my face for hours on end is what caused it, but basically I look like Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and, lemme tellya, it’s not getting any smaller.

So, I thought, gee, while I’m looking pretty sexy, at least *now* I really couldn’t look worse.

Until I woke up this morning with a right eye the size of a golf ball.  I seem to have some kind of bite just under the inside part of my eye that has puffed it up like an angry balloon.  Seriously.  At this point, I’m Franken-photographer.

The good news is that we’re in a stunning location — Leiper’s Fork, Tennessee — for an all day shoot with pop singer Lauren Winans.  We are FIRED UP to work with her and have storyboarded the shoot of my dreams.  And, the property… oh wow.  It is incredible, and I look forward to posting more about it later (a television show filmed here last year).  For now, check out the photos below.  Man.  The light, the greenery, the horses, the footbridges, the pool, the barn… it’s a photographer’s fantasy.  It makes my scary-looking travel-face manageable collateral.

Nashville photographer