Copyright © 2025 Carla Boecklin Creative | Park City Family Wedding Portrait Commercial Photographer

Tag Archives: park city photographer

Senior Portraits | Mountain Boys

Most kids have been in front of a pro camera before.  Everyone remembers those terrible elementary school photos: waiting in line, nervously smoothing your hair & adjusting your shirt, and then sitting awkwardly for your 2 or 3 shots in front of a bad backdrop and intimidating studio lights.  Not […]

golden hour park city photographer

Sundance Film Festival | Red Touch Media

Sundance Film Festival starts TODAY.  Well, officially tomorrow, but I leave in a few hours to pick up my press accreditation badges and socialize with other media peeps at the Sundance Headquarters in Park City.  My heart’s all a-flutter! In recognition of my compulsive need to photograph celebs, tastemakers, influencers, […]

park city parties sundance red touch media

PUBLISHING :: Visual Artistry Magazine

I’ve written several times about publishing (such as here and here and here), and I believe that publishing your photos is an important aspect of one’s photography business in order to get your work in front of the widest audience possible. Shooting to publish is also a huge challenge.  You must […]

model in car

Cutest Toddler Ever

So, this is Gus. He’s non-stop easy-going just-wants-to-hang-out awesome babyness. Seriously. From the second I knocked on the door until the gear was packed up & it was time to go, there was nothing but happiness coming from this precious little boy.  Cutest Toddler Ever?  Cutest Toddler Ever. His parents […]

salt lake city family photographer

Being a Park City Photographer :: Experience

There is no better teacher than experience.  I touch upon this topic in a recent blog post where I emphasize the importance of working at all costs, even if your only option is to work for free.  Because actually acting out the career you want is the only way to learn […]

mountain town music

Being a Park City Photographer :: My Philosophy

I will quote and re-quote and re-re-quote the statement above until I’m blue in the face.  It’s my life’s motto. I’ve been *high-achieving* (I mean, relatively speaking; I’m not that big a deal) most of my life, but not due to any particular talent, skill, or luck.  Well, sometimes a […]

shannon bahrke jumping

Being a Park City Photographer :: The Beginning

I moved to Park City, Utah, in 2011.  I’d never been here before apart from a drive-by on I-80 when I was moving from LA to Chicago for graduate school. Oh, but I’d heard of Park City.  I’ve been a pop culture junkie since I was a wee one, and […]

apres ski park city alta resort