Snow Day | Washington DC Family Photographer
It’s in the eyes. No, wait — the smiles. Ohhh, better yet — the golden locks. Hold up, I got it — the joy. Yeah, that’s it. Maybe?
I give up. I don’t know how to narrow down what makes this family special. Basically, a pile of affection, delight, and love engulfs you the second you walk through their front door, and all you know is that you’re looking at a united front. A team, led by a wonderful parental partnership and rounded out by two of the most well-behaved, adorable girls you’ve ever seen. It’s amazing (… and snuggly… and laughy… and organic… and amazing all over again).
Mom Mel seen here was [gasp!] my freshman year roommate in college so, yeah, it’s INSANE to see her all familied-up, complete with husband + kids. But I think what strikes me most is not Omg We’re All Grown Up or You’ve Swapped the Party Barn For Phineas and Ferb Dance Parties but that my longtime friend has become this incredible mom and wife. I was sucked in by every moment watching her, and the kicker was the way she put the girls down at night. They were SO excited by story time (they love their reading AND their mom’s undivided attention), and elder Amelie was so eager to include little Sira (‘my sister — she’s my sister!’), and I saw Mel carefully reading to them, asking them to point out things on the page or questions about part of the story… and I believe I melted into a puddle on the floor right there. It was the coziest, most intimate thing ever. They have a ritual of high fives and fist bumps and finger jazz-hands that they do before Lights Out that made me feel like I was watching the physical manifestation of the word Family.
Anyway, the next morning was an unexpected Snow Day for everyone (8 inches in Virginia), so we were able to get some family time on record. I just think this post — with it’s simple, homegrown, blue-eyed warmth — is a perfect treat for a Friday. 🙂