Independence Day | TGIF
It’s Friday. Get fired up.
It’s not only Friday… but (as me & V say) it’s a BIG FRIDAY! A long weekend, a holiday, a celebratory event! Man, so happy for a little more time with my man since he doesn’t have to trek into SLC for work in his copper shop today. HAPPY 4th of JULY everyone!
I’ve spent my past few Independence Days photographing Gold Creek Farms‘ (GCF) enormous ranch party, the 4th of July event to end all 4th of July events. Recently my coverage of 2013’s party was featured in Pretty My Party, and I love how they laid out the images.
Anyway, GCF is such a special spot. A pond, lots of farm animals (horses, pigs, cows, dogs, chickens), rustic barns & fences, open spaces, a river literally runs through the property… it’s just the stuff of fantasies. They’ve become famous for their cheeses, which are divine and served by all the A List restaurants throughout town (this year, they’re debuting a blue cheese that I can’t wait to try!). Their cheesemaker, Fernando Chavez, and his family are so wonderful and creative (his wife, Ashley makes soaps and gift baskets for the brand), and I’m amazed at everything that Team Gold Creek has accomplished in only a few short years. All in all, Gold Creek is a little slice of heaven, right here in Utah, and 2014’s 4th of July event is shaping up to be nothing short of spectacular!