Copyright © 2025 Carla Boecklin Creative | Park City Family Wedding Portrait Commercial Photographer

Yoga Vinyassa | Colorado Commercial Photographer

Hot Yoga.  More like, Hot Photography.

Tessa McInnis Canterbury’s Yoga Vinyassa studio was nearly 100 degrees for this shoot, and I’m a cold-climate type of gal.  I mean, I used to live in the Arctic and it was juuuuuuust about my temperature.  So, I’ll admit it: this shoot was exhausting.  Well, for me, anyway — and all I had to do was click the shutter button.

Meanwhile, Tess spent over two hours holding these elaborate, gorgeous, insanely-robust (to say the least) poses for, literally, minutes at a time so I could get the shot.  She’s incredible, folks.  And she never once lost her humor, energy, or light-heartedness.  The effect of the heat and her performance for my lens was intoxicating.  I honestly felt enlightened by the end of our time in the studio… at which point we headed to the Colorado Monument for this part of the shoot (click here to check it out!).

And… her kids… oh, I have no words.  The shoot was intended to be part Tessa’s yoga and part yoga-cum-kids, but it turned out that we had no control over when they wanted to be in frame & when they were totally over it.  And then when they were totally into it again.  So, V just wrangled them as best he could until we gave up, and I love that we just got what we got when we got it.  So authentic, so fun, so loving.

Colorado Commercial Photographer