A Horse & Snowballs | Utah Family Photographer
There was something so effortlessly comfortable about this session. A recent snowfall provided an ideal lamination for the farm setting, and getting to photograph around an equestrian center was kinda fantasy. The kids were easy going & smiley, the parents are a great team, and the overall energy was tranquil yet upbeat. Everyone was happy to play around for fun shots, even in the freezing cold, and no one complained when, in my enthusiasm, I pled for “oh! just one more!” Even the horse looked straight into the camera on cue. Done and done.
Plus, my heart melts when I get to work with siblings that show all kinds of affection for one another. This brothers & sister crew was pure azure-eyed adorable, especially with the youngest, who watched the older ones to gauge how hard to throw the snowball, what was ‘okay’ or ‘cool,’ and when to move in for a hug or giggle. The interactions — and trying to capture them on camera — is what I live for.
So, yeah, I love this shoot. There. I said it. I can’t thank this family enough for treating me to their beauty and sweetness. Working with them was like… dessert.