TGIF | Maine Photographer
TGIF :: It’s Friday. Get fired up.
Travel travel travel. OH, and travel.
V & I are on the road right now for some projects & shoots on the east coast. We don’t charge travel fees because we welcome the opportunity to hit the road, so it’s always fun to see where we end up and for what type of work.
This season has been particularly difficult, though, due to the INSANE winter weather. See, we drive everywhere, which means we’ve gotten stuck in several spots across the country waiting for storms to pass. It can be cozy, for sure, watching the flakes fall outside while you’re cuddled up indoors. But, anxiety-producing, too, if you’re banking on a travel schedule for clients or a operating on timeline that requires strict adherence. Finding the time, the motivation, the inspiration, and the space/means to perform — to ‘get ‘er done’ — while simultaneously covering hundreds of miles can be a challenge.
Nonetheless, we’ve been enjoying ourselves. V & I love trekking around together (we traveled 40,000 miles across the States throughout the first six months of our marriage) and everything that comes with living out of a suitcase: visiting far-away friends when we’re able, indulging in different foods, sleeping on random schedules, working out in ways that we don’t usually (i.e., power walking on the beach, climbing stairwells in high rise hotels). And, inevitably, comparing where we are to where we’re from, giving ourselves a chance to miss *home*.
More than missing things like my bed or a routine, though, I’ve realized I miss my Park City people. I keep finding myself thinking about them, wondering what they’re up to, checking out their Fbook pages, etc. Which is strange because, well, to be honest I’m somewhat of a hermit & recluse. I work a lot and don’t always make time for people I enjoy, so when friends ask me for coffee or lunch or a night out, my response is almost always ‘ugh, I can’t — I’ve just got so much to do.’
SO, I believe I’m making a belated 2014 resolution: make more of an effort to enjoy my friends at home. I’m a lucky, lucky girl — I believe I’ve gotten to know some of the kindest people on the planet in Utah — and yet my head is usually so buried in my Mac that I miss out. Well, NO MORE! Or… more realistically… A LOT LESS SO! 🙂
And, for a boost, here’s a shot of the Boothbay, Maine, harbor from yesterday.